Collective Action

This Saturday, STREETS DEPT hosted a silent auction to raise money for local and national social justice organizations. Over one hundred Philadelphia area artists donated their work in an effort to help raise twenty thousand dollars, a goal which was reached within the first three hours of the event. We were lucky enough to win an embroidered sweatshirt by Ashley Catharine Smith, now on display in our store.

Anatomy of the Nasty Woman, by Ashley Catharine Smith.

Miss Demeanor sources most of its goods from independently (female) owned businesses, and sells most of those goods to other women. For this and many other reasons, we will not stand for the normalization of speech or practices that demean anyone. We plan to do our part to continue to seek out initiatives that support the integrity and rights of those in our community and beyond. We welcome your feedback regarding products, brands, and events that you feel will help us in this effort. (Please send any ideas to or use the contact section of our website.)

We are lucky to live in a city that brings opportunities to get involved right to our doorstep. Check out STREETS DEPT for details on further events, including #SignsofSolidarity, which will display messages of love across the cities of Philadelphia and Atlanta this Friday, January 20th, 2017.